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Queen’s Inclosure Primary School


Parental Consent

To comply with Data Protection legislation, we need your permission to photograph or make recordings of our child for promotional purposes.

You can withdraw your consent anytime by emailing or by telephone at 02392268067 or in person.

My child will be in class:*
Display Boards (Internal Use) to illustrate learning or activities on our display boards in school.*
QI website and printed publications i.e. newsletters (external use). The identity of all children will always be protected*
Shared with the families of children in Year Group i.e. photos taken during school activities throughout their time at QI and shared as a momento when leaving the school and must be for home use only and not uploaded to social media.*
Offsite educational events at other schools i.e. photos taken by the hosting school and used in their promotional material or published on their website.*
Class and individual photographs taken by external photographer. Class photos are offered to all parents within a class to purchase.*