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Queen’s Inclosure Primary School


Starting School at Queen's Inclosure

Thank you for your interest in your child joining Queen's Inclosure Primary School. 

Choosing the right school for your child is an important task. We have created the film below to show you our wonderful school, which we hope you enjoy watching. 


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Visits for Prospective Parents of children starting September 2025

We are offering prospective parents the opportunity to visit our school, by booking a tour to see the school in session. We are running small group tours between October 2024 and January 2025. We can accommodate up to three families per tour (two adults with children per family). 

Friday 4th October 2024 9:00-9:30 - Full 9.30-10:00 - Full 11:00-11:30 - Full
Wednesday 9th October 2024 1:30-2:00 - Full 2:00-2:30 - Full -
Friday 18th October 2024 9:00-9:30 - Full 9.30-10:00 - Full 11:00-11:30 - Full
Wednesday 23rd October 2024 1:30-2:00 - Full 2:00-2:30 - Full -
Wednesday 6th November 2024 1:30-2:00 - Full 2:00-2:30 - Full -
Friday 15th November 2024 9:00-9:30 - Full 9.30-10:00 - Full 11:00-11:30 - Full
Wednesday 20th November 2024 1:30-2:00 - Full 2:00-2:30 - Full -
Friday 29th November 2024 9:00-9:30 - Full 9.30-10:00 - Full 11:00-11:30 - Full
Wednesday 4th December 2024 1:30-2:00 - Full 2:00-2:30 - Full  -
Friday 10th January 2025 9:00-9:30 - Full 9.30-10:00 - Full 11:00-11:30 - Full
Wednesday 15th January 2025 1:30-2:00 - Full 2:00-2:30 - Full -

Please contact the office to book one of the sessions either by telephone: 02392 268067 or via email: We look forward to hearing from you. 

Starting School Process for children starting school in September 2025

The September 2025 Year F/Year R intake application portal will be open between 1 November 2024 and 15 January 2025. Notifications to parents offering a primary school place will be sent by the County Council on 16 April 2025. For additional information, and to apply for a place at Queen's Inclosure Primary, please visit:

We know that choosing the right school for your child to begin their early education is a really important task. We hope that by sharing a snapshot of our Foundation Stage environment, through the video below, you will gain an insight into what we have to offer.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please book a tour with Miss Packham, our Foundation Leader/Assistant Headteacher - see 'Visits for Prospective Parents of children starting September 2025' above.

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For more information about our Foundation Stage provision, please click here.

Message from Mrs Allen, Headteacher

Thank you for your interest in our wonderful school. 

I have been the Headteacher at Queen’s Inclosure since 2004, and it has been an absolute pleasure to be part of such an incredible school. I am passionate about children having the best opportunities we can provide and developing their skills and attributes to benefit them throughout their lives.

Our children are supported by a solid staff team whose commitment and dedication to our ethos and values create an environment where children thrive.

Our school is a two-form entry primary school, nestled in the stunning surroundings of the Queen’s Inclosure Woodland (part of the old Forest of Bere) in Waterlooville. We have 60 children in each year group, with 7 year groups across the school.  This means that your child will start with us in Foundation, during the academic year that they turn 5 years old, and then continue their journey until they leave for secondary school seven years later. (I know, that seems such a long time but it goes quickly!)

One of the most significant benefits of primary school is that your child would not need to transition to a new setting at the end of Year 2.  One of the other strengths of this continued journey is that children are together with their siblings, in Year 5 and Year 2 for example, in the same school.  Our parents and children both feel that this contributes to the friendly, family atmosphere that is so evident in our school.

Another important thing for you to know about our school is our intrinsic motivation and Growth Mindset ethos.  This is founded on our very high expectations for learning and behaviour and our aim for children to be motivated to do their best for themselves and not for the rewards they might get.  We do not give children stickers and certificates for doing what we expect of them, but instead, we use careful praise and encouragement to recognise and value all that they do. It certainly seems to work as our children are exceptionally well-behaved, motivated, resilient learners!

When helping children learn about Growth Mindset, we teach them that their brains can grow just the same as their bodies and that putting more effort into something usually achieves positive results.  They learn that trying difficult things, learning from their mistakes and never giving up helps them to get ‘smarter’.  This is a fundamental part of our vision for children to be equipped ‘with the skills and attributes for their lifelong learning journey’.

If you are interested in discovering more about Growth Mindset, please click on the following link: 

Our learning from Carol Dweck on Growth Mindset has contributed considerably to how our values and ethos have become embedded across the school. You can find out more about Carol Dweck’s research here:

We are very proud of our engaging, broad and balanced curriculum which has been created using a thematic approach and uses the statutory National Curriculum subjects and objectives.  Each of our themes is based around a ‘lead subject’ (generally English, Science, Geography or History) into which other subjects are integrated. Each theme begins with a stimulating and exciting ‘hook’ and culminates in a purposeful ‘outcome’ where the children will produce something as a product of their learning. For each theme, Curious Cornelius – our school dragon – asks the children a range of questions to drive the learning, encourage them to want to find out more and to think at a deeper level.

We are extremely fortunate to be able to offer our children a stunning outdoor environment in which they can play and learn.  We have hard court playgrounds, a large field, a quiet area with a class pagoda, an outdoor allotment and polytunnel, three ponds (for pond dipping), an outdoor classroom and, of course, our own area of woodland.

It is hard for us to share everything we'd like to about our school, just through this website, but hopefully, you will find the information you need to help make the right decision for you and your child. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us. 

Thank you.

Mrs Allen, Headteacher

In-Year Admissions 

Moving your child from one school to another is known as an in-year admission. If you are looking to move your child's school and considering Queen's Inclosure, please contact us on 02392 268067, in the first instance, to see if we have any spaces in the year group(s) you require. We prefer to speak to parents regarding admissions to enable us to ascertain an individual's circumstance. 

Parents with a child in Year 2 at an infant school, may wish to apply for a Year 3 place at Queen's Inclosure Primary School. As we are a primary, you will not be able to apply for a place at QI when applying for a junior school place. We would advise you to contact us to see if we have any spaces available - an in-year application would need to be made in addition to a junior school place of your choosing. 

For additional information, and to apply for a school place, please visit 

Please click here to use the 'School Catchment Finder in Hampshire' tool. 

Admission Appeals

Any parent or guardian who has been refused a school place for their child has the right to appeal the decision. For further information on how to appeal, please visit: