Site Information
Queen’s Inclosure Primary School enjoys extensive grounds and a building with an award-winning design concept.
All persons entering our site are required to comply with our health and safety arrangements.
Access to the Site
The school hours are 8:30 am to 3:20 pm. Except for those who attend Breakfast Club, there is absolutely no reason for parents and children to be on site before 8:30 a.m., as has always been the case. In order to reduce our Health and Safety liability, we are taking measures to restrict unnecessary access to our site outside of the school operating hours. As a result, the Burnside pedestrian access is restricted to the same opening times as the Aintree Gate for morning drop-off and end-of-day collection.
There is access via our main entrance at Cornelius Drive from 7:40am to 4:45pm (and later when we are hosting an event).
The Burnside Gate will be unlocked (push gate to open) between 7:40am and 8:10am for Breakfast Club access, between 8:29am and 9:00am for drop off and 3:10pm and 4:45pm. When the gate is locked, access is requested via the intercom.
The Aintree Gate is unlocked (push gate to open) between 8:29am and 9:00am and 3:10pm to 4:45pm.
Limited parking is available for parents at the Cornelius Drive entrance, which includes 2 disabled bays for Blue Badge Holders. When using the car park, please remember to switch your engine off as vehicle idling is an offence against the Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2002. We encourage children and parents to walk to school whenever possible and ask that vehicle owners park safely and considerately.
The car park at our Burnside entrance is exclusively for staff parking and deliveries and is automated to allow access to authorised personnel only. Parents are not permitted to use the Burnside car park at any time.
How to report a parking contravention
Restricted parking zones near schools are areas where parking is prohibited to keep children safe. We often receive complaints from parents and neighbours regarding inconsiderate parking on the roads near the school during drop-off and collection times. We encourage all those who witness contraventions to take a photo of the vehicle and upload it directly to Hampshire County Council's Parking and Traffic Enforcement department using their online Parking Contravention form -
Smoking and Vaping
Please be aware that we operate a 'No Smoking/No Vaping' policy.
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Dogs on Site
Whilst we love dogs, please be aware that we operate a 'No dogs on site' policy.
Scooters and Bicycles
Children (and adults) riding bicycles or scooters must dismount at the school gate; a shelter is located near the Burnside entrance for storage during the school day. Whilst we have had no reported thefts, bicycles and scooters are left there at the owner's risk.
The Trimtrak is for the children’s use only during school hours and with staff supervision. Children must not play on this at any other time.
One-Way System
Our one-way route around the school reduces congestion and helps keep the flow of pedestrian traffic moving – it has reduced the risk of accidents from people moving in all directions. Whilst we appreciate that some shorter routes may be desirable to drop off and collect your child, we respectfully ask that you keep to the one-way system for the benefit of everyone. Thank you to you all for your co-operation with this.
Classroom Locations
For security reasons, parents are not permitted to enter the classroom unless invited to. Parents must be accompanied at all times by a member of staff if they are in the building. All visitors must sign in at reception.
Severe Weather
Access Arrangements in the event of extreme weather conditions.
Mr Murray, our Site Manager, will endeavour to grit or clear all access routes to the school building before school begins each morning. The following arrangements will be in place if more extreme weather situations mean it is not possible to secure safe access to the building from all routes, prior to the start of the school day.
The Mall – from Cornelius Drive entrance, the footpath from Burnside entrance and the paths around the building will be gritted as a priority.
The side gate to the east of the school may be closed to restrict access across the playground.
The Mall – from Cornelius Drive, the footpath from Burnside around the West end of the building and the access to the hall will be cleared of snow as a priority.
The side gate to the east of the school may be closed to restrict access across the playground. Children will access the building through the hall, welcomed by a member of staff. Parents will be able to access the school's main office as usual.
Direct access to the classrooms at the rear of the building may be restricted during times of heavy snow and/or snow melt, to reduce the risk of injury.
Please continue to check the news feed on the Home Page for up-to-date information in the event of school closures due to extreme weather conditions. We will also endeavour to update parents via the text messaging service, as appropriate.
We ask that parents support these arrangements - thank you in advance for your co-operation.